FHWA GEC 15 (Foundation Acceptance) Now Published

FHWA has published (posted the PDF!) of Geotechnical Engineering Circular 015 – Acceptance Procedures for Structural Foundations of Transportation Structures.   Work began on this in 2019 and was delayed due to COVID.   Andy Boeckmann, Dan Brown, Erik Loehr, and John Turner of DBA are the authors.  They worked hard with Silas Nichols and the team at FHWA to produce a great guidance document for accepting deep foundations supporting transportation structures.  Here is a bit from the Introduction in Chapter 1 that gives the “big picture” of this GEC:

Foundation acceptance is a crucial component of the design and construction process used to develop transportation infrastructure in the United States today. As considered in this circular, foundation acceptance refers to a process resulting in approval of payment
to the constructor for installation of a deep foundation element. The process should involve the following actions by an owner agency, or entity acting on its behalf:

      1. Establishment of measurable and achievable acceptance criteria that serve as assurance that a foundation element will fulfill all appropriate performance requirements, and

       2. Documented evaluation of the constructed foundation element to demonstrate that the established acceptance criteria have been satisfied.

Foundation acceptance is the culmination of quality assurance (QA) efforts that, when appropriately implemented, provides the owner agency with confidence that a foundation element will fulfill all appropriate performance requirements. In some instances, the
foundation acceptance process may include provisions for cost adjustments for foundation elements that do not strictly satisfy established acceptance criteria, but that are nevertheless judged to satisfy all appropriate performance requirements and which
the owner agency agrees to accept.

Topics covered in this GEC include the framework for accepting deep foundations (project delivery, participants, role of QA/QC,etc.) , roles of inspection and testing, and specific items of concern for drilled shafts, driven piles, micropiles, and continuous flight auger piles.  You can download the PDF at the link below or on the FHWA Geotechnical Publications page HERE.


Acceptance Procedures for Structural Foundations of Transportation Structures  (FHWA-HIF-22-024, Geotechnical Engineering Circular 015).  Loehr, E.L., Brown, D.A., Turner, J.P., and Boeckmann, A.Z. (2022).