Technical Paper Library at DBA

We are continuing to build our library of technical papers authored by DBA principals under the Publications page of this site. These papers are placed here to aid in research and understanding of deep foundations, including drilled shafts, driven piles, and drilled piles. All applicable copyright laws and rights apply. It will take some time for us to get the majority of our papers on line. Feel free to contact us (through the Contact US link or by personal correspondence) if you need assistance in obtaining a particular paper or reference. The images below will take you to the papers previously posted.


Brown, D.A., 1990. “Construction and Design of Drilled Shafts in Hard Pinnacled Limestone,” Transportation Research Record 1277, pp148-152.

Drilled Shafts in Hard Pinnacle Limestone - TRB TRR No. 1277 1990.png



Brown, D. A., Muchard, M., and Khouri, B., 2002. “The Effect of Drilling Fluid on Axial Capacity, Cape Fear River, NC, Proc. of the Deep Foundations Inst. 27th Annual Meeting, San Diego

Effect of Drilling Fluid Axial Cap Cape Fear River NC - DFI 27th Meeting San Diego Oct 2002.png


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