Tag Archives: Geological Engineering

Websites That ROCK!

The blogosphere, as the world of blogging is sometimes called, is always changing as blogs come and go.  A new one focusing on geology education is geologydegree.org.  This is a new blog intended to promote the study of geology.  A recent post called Geology Online: 105 Websites That Rock included our very own blog as well as that of one of our good friends, GeoPrac.net by RockMan (aka Randy Post).  While DBA (and others listed, including GeoPrac.net) are not strictly geological blogs or websites, what we do includes a lot of geology as we design foundations to bear in or on rock.  Understanding the geology of a site is also important to understand the soils that are present above the bedrock.  Take a look, especially if you have a young’un (that’s Southern for young one, or child) at home that may find geology or geotechnical engineering interesting, although most of the childs these days just like to play LOL.