Tag Archives: mobile viewing

DBA blog now optimized for mobile devices

As part of our ongoing attempts to try to get in front of the technology pack (or at least not fall behind!), We’ve installed a WordPress plugin called WPTouch that allows for much faster optimized viewing of the this DBA blog when using the iPhone, iPod touch, Android (Google), BlackBerry and other touch-screen mobile devices. The photos below are are of a G1.  Your results will vary by model. If you need to read some reviews about the new technology out there, then check out identoo.com.

Comments are visible after clicking on any post and you can add a comment as well. The best way to keep track of comments, however, is to use an RSS reader app on your device and subscribe to our comments RSS feed. Then if you see a comment that you’d like to comment on, click the link to the comment. It will activate the mobile-optimized view of the web page and position you for typing in your comment.









Images are from Griff Wigley of Wigley & Associates, our blog coach.