Tag Archives: Michael Holloway

Dr. Mike Holloway, P.E. comes aboard!

11_Mike_sDBA is pleased to announce that Dr. D. Michael Holloway, P.E. has joined the DBA team.  Mike is a recognized expert in driven pile foundation design and dynamic testing, in-situ testing, instrumentation, and earthquake engineering.  His over 40 years of foundation and geotechnical engineering experience includes stints at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station (WES) in Vicksburg, MS, and Woodward-Clyde Consultants in Oakland, CA. He founded InSituTech, which specialized in engineering deep foundations and applying insitu soil testing services.

When starting InSituTech, Mike broadened the professional practice beyond “conventional” PDA-related testing and analyses services.  Rather than just test and report to satisfy QC requirements during construction, he applied dynamic testing and analyses to enhance foundation design and constructability, as well as to improve on-site troubleshooting of construction problems.   The efforts paid off as the firm made significant changes in the way PDA services became integrated into the design/build process on several major marine facilities and bridge projects in the west and in the Pacific.

Mike is a Blue Devil, having earned his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. at Duke University in North Carolina.  Raised in New York, he made his way to California seeking engineering gold soon after his time at WES.  He has been based there ever since.

Mike’s presence in California makes DBA a practically coast-to-coast firm (well, at least East Tennessee to California).  We at DBA are excited at the expertise Mike adds to our portfolio and look forward to his contributions to the team.  Welcome, Mike!

Holloway DBA Announcement (Press Release)