Tim Siegel’s presentation on plate load testing of grout columns from GeoFlorida 2010 in February has been added to our Presentations Page . I have also added some older presentations from IFCEE09, the 41st STGEC, and other conferences.
Construction Considerations in the Selection and Design of Drilled Shaft Foundations for Bridges – Paul Axtell, P.E. – 11th University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Structural Engineering Conference, April 8, 2010.
Drilled Shaft Performance in Cemented Calcareous Formations in the Southeast US – W. Robert Thompson, III, P.E. – IFCEE09, Orlando, Florida – March 18, 2009.
Case History: Value Engineering of Driven H-Piles for Slope Stability on the Missouri River – W. Robert Thompson, III, P.E. – IFCEE09, Orlando, Florida – March 16, 2009.
LRFD in Practice – A Case Study for Foundation Designers – W. Robert Thompson, III, P.E. and Liz Smith, P.E. (Terracon, Inc.). – 41st STGEC Conference, Wilmington, North Carolina – November 4, 2009.
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Specialists in Deep Foundation Design, Construction, and Testing and Slope Stability Problems