There are a lot of seminars and workshops coming up this fall that should be of interest to geotechnical engineers and contractors. Seminar organizers include ADSC, DFI, and PDCA. The events are are:
ADSC Anchored Earth Seminar – Anaheim, CA (November 7-9, 2007)
DFI Piling Foundations Seminar – Cincinnati, OH (August 17, 2007)
DFI Current Trends in Foundations of Major Bridges – Sacramento, CA (September 21, 2007)
DFI Helical Foundations and Tiebacks Seminar – New Orleans, LA (November 16, 2007)
I have broken the link sidebar on the left labeled Conferences and Meetings into two areas:
Conferences and Meetings (for organization meetings, conferences, etc.) and Seminars and Workshops (for seminars, workshops, short courses, etc.)
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