New industry links added:, USUCGER, news links for DFI, PDCA, ADSC

We have added some new links to our page that will hopefully be helpful to you. Three links have been added to the left sidebars:, ISSMGE and USUCGER. On the right sidebar, links to e-newsletters, news releases, and other notes from, ISSMGE, DFI, PDCA, and ADSC have been added. Enjoy!

geoforum_logo2.png is a geo-industry resource site. From the site: was designed for the benefit of practitioners, educators, studenter, researchers and others interested in, or working with different geotechnical and related areas.:

Geo Contacts:
provides is an efficient way to find and exchange information on the Internet. The most important section is the Geo Directory, a steadily growing database, containing a classified listing of individuals, interested in geotechnology. Other sections are the Geo Discussion Forum and a survey of Geo Events..

Geo Market Guide:
contains a directory of companies and organisations, which are active in the area of geotechnology. On a start page, each company can present general information about its activities. Up to 8 key words can be used to identify company-specific services and products. A detailed description of products and services, as well as project applications (case histories) can be given on additional pages. The technical activities of each company in the Geo Market Guide are indexed and can be linked to other sections of

Geo Knowledge:
contains useful information, such as a multi-lingual Geo Dictionary, IT-based Text Books and a Unit Converter..

Geo System Info:
provides comprehensive geotechnical information, using dynamic database technology. The objective is to present and describe different types of foundation and construction processes. Pile Info describes different pile systems, as well as the installation process and classification of piling methods.


United States Universities Council on Geotechnical Education and Research (USUCGER) :


It is USUCGER’s mission to provide advocacy for the continued development and expansion of high quality geomechanical, geotechnical and geo-environmental engineering research and education which will enhance the welfare of humankind and meet the needs of the nation.

ISSMGE banner.jpg

International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE):

As a truly global organisation, for the ISSMGE to provide a focus for professional leadership to more than 75 National Societies and over 17,000 individual members around the world it must have an effective tool for the communication and dissemination of information.
The objectives of this website are:

  • to provide the membership with regular and up to date news and information about the activities of the society around the world.
  • to provide communication platform for the effective management and administration of the society.
  • to provide a communication platform for the effective coordination of the Technical Committees.
  • to provide a single point of access for our members to obtain information on upcoming events and conferences.


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