More Drilled Shaft photos at Huey P. Long Bridge

Steve just can’t get enough of the state of Louisiana.  Now that the Audubon Bridge foundations are complete, he needed an excuse to get back and found himself in the Crescent City observing production shaft base grouting at the Huey P. Long Bridge project.  Here area few more good construction photos to supplement my previous post.

Here is an interesting story in the New Orleans Times-Picayune about the bridge project explaining how they are widening the bridge.

2 thoughts on “More Drilled Shaft photos at Huey P. Long Bridge”

  1. Dear Sirs:
    I would Like to recieve from you continously Technical Reports and Photos about projects concerning piles and Drilled Shafts.

    Thank you for your efforts
    Assoc.Prof.Dr.Eng.Jamil Jabal
    President of the Syrian Committee for Soil Mechanicsand Foundation Engineering

  2. Dr. Jabal:

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