DBA has recently submitted the final draft of FHWA Geotechnical Circular No. 8 – Augered Cast-In-Place and Continuous Flight Auger Piles. The document is under final review by FHWA and should be released for publication late this year. This manual will provide the technical information for the selection, design, construction, and inspection of drilled piles (auger-cast, continuous flight auger, drilled displacement piles, etc.) for the transportation industry. A model performance-based specification is included in the manual. We’ll post information on the release date and how to obtain copies once it goes to publication.
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Robert and Dan–
I have been reading Tom Armour’s ADSC task force report, “The Future of ACIP/CFA Piling in the North American Transportation Market.” Tom’s report mentions this circular several times. Is there a public version of this draft, or a more detailed summary than you have given here? The ADSC is debating whether to ‘foster and promote’ CFA and ACIP.
Thanks, Jim Melcher