ENR’s Best of the Best 2012–Audubon Bridge

  The John James Audubon Bridge was recently selected as the Editor’s Choice/Transportation for ENR’s Best of the Best Projects for 2012.  The annual competition culminated in honoring ENR’s selection of the most outstanding construction projects in the U.s. And Puerto Rico complete between July 2011 and June 2012. Nearly 1,000 project teams submitted their … Continue reading ENR’s Best of the Best 2012–Audubon Bridge

Audubon Bridge Officially Complete!

Photo Credit: enr.construction.com The John James Audubon Bridge between New Roads and St. Francisville, Louisiana was officially completed February 27, 2012.  The bridge was opened to traffic in May of last year, but was declared officially completed last month.  This bridge has a special spot in the heart of DBA as it was one of … Continue reading Audubon Bridge Officially Complete!

Audubon Bridge Foundations in Fall 2011 “Deep Foundations”

Dan and Steve co-authored an article in the Fall 2011 issue of Deep Foundations (from DFI) that covered the foundations for the recently completed record-setting Audubon Bridge in Louisiana.  Dan and Steve cover not only the shaft testing, design, and construction, but also the unique cofferdam used for the tower foundations.  I recently highlighted an … Continue reading Audubon Bridge Foundations in Fall 2011 “Deep Foundations”

Audubon Bridge–Cofferdam Construction Article

As noted earlier on this blog, the Audubon Bridge opened a little bit earlier than planned.  Although over a year old, an article recently came to my attention that puts a spotlight on the unique engineering and construction that went into the cofferdams for the two main bridge piers in the Mississippi River.  The article … Continue reading Audubon Bridge–Cofferdam Construction Article

Audubon Bridge Opened To Traffic (earlier than planned!)

The John James Audubon Bridge was opened to traffic on May 10, 2011 a little earlier than planned.  While the project is not 100% complete, the bridge was sufficiently complete to allow an emergency opening due to closure of the nearby ferry the bridge is replacing.  From the project website: Due to the high level … Continue reading Audubon Bridge Opened To Traffic (earlier than planned!)

Audubon Bridge Closure–The Span is Complete!

On December 29, 2010, Audubon Bridge Constructors recently “closed” the main span of the John James Audubon Bridge between New Roads and St. Francisville, Louisiana.   Watch the video featured at the top of the page at the bridge link to hear about the bridge, including the drilled shaft foundations!  For something really fascinating, go to … Continue reading Audubon Bridge Closure–The Span is Complete!

Audubon Bridge Update – Piers out of the water!

It has been a little while since we last visited the John James Audubon Bridge site in New roads, Louisiana.  My how things have changed!  I just have a couple of pictures of the piers from January – it is really looking like a bridge now!  For frequent updates, check out the webcam and the … Continue reading Audubon Bridge Update – Piers out of the water!

Foundation Work is Finished at Audubon Bridge!!!

Yes, you read that right – the last drilled shaft has been installed on the John James Audubon Bridge near New Road, Louisiana.  The project has been quite an adventure for us, especially Steve.  He spent the most time on the site during shaft excavation, tip grouting, load testing, and even pile driving.  Robert got … Continue reading Foundation Work is Finished at Audubon Bridge!!!